Bible Themed Snacks

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I love fun with our Bible lessons for kids, especially when we can use Bible themed snacks to reinforce our Bible lesson. Whether I’m working with my own grandkids or on a mission trip or at Kingdom Kids at church, all the kids love food. Let’s take a look at snacks for fun Bible lessons for kids.

I’ve also included ideas if you homeschool. You might use these same Bible story snacks in other homeschool subject areas.

Bible themed snacks and fun kids activities

How can you use these Bible themed snack ideas?

Start by using this outline to create your own Bible lessons for kids with any Bible story.

  1. Choose a Bible story
  2. Read or tell the story to your kids
  3. Create the Bible themed snacks
  4. Talk about why the snack goes along with the Bible story lesson

Most of my readers are homeschoolers. That’s why I’ve included ways you can use these snacks in school subject areas.

Fun Bible Lessons for Kids using Bible story snacks like this rainbow for Noah's ark

Bible Themed Snack – Noah’s Ark or God’s Rainbow

All you need for this Bible themed snack are 2 marshmallows, pipe cleaner and fruit loops. Cut the pipe cleaner to an appropriate length for your child. Let your kids thread the fruit loops on to the pipe cleaner. Insert the ends of the pipe cleaner into each marshmallow. Be sure to talk about your Bible story and how this snack relates to it.

If you want to use these cute marshmallow and fruit loops rainbows in homeschooling, try these ideas:

Bible story snacks for VBS, Sunday School, homeschooling or teaching Bible to kids ... Fun Bible lessons for kids

Moses & 10 Commandments, Philip & Ethiopian

Follow these directions:

  • Cut Fruit Roll Ups in half
  • Let each child wrap the ends of each roll up around a pretzel stick
  • Talk about your story and how this snack relates to it.

Other Homeschool Ideas:

  • History-Egypt, Greece, Roman
  • Bible-10 Commandments
  • Literature-Greek or Roman, Cat of Bubastes, Mara, Daughter of the Nile, Detectives in Togas

Our family loved reading all three of the books above. The Cat of Bubastes was our first G.A. Henty books. What great memories reading aloud.

Fun Bible lessons for kids with Bible story snacks like the pig in the Prodigal Son

Bible Themed Snack for Prodigal Son

  • Make chocolate pudding, according to the direcctions. Serve up in single-serving bowls.
  • Place a large pink marshmallow in them middle of each serving of chocolate pudding.
  • Add pink ears and pink snout with pink frosting
  • Using a black or chocolate icing tube, add the eyes and slits in the snout
  • Talk about the younger son and how he was living far away from God in a pig pen

Other Homeschool Ideas:

  • Kindergarten – Farm Animals
  • Literature – Charlotte’s Web
Fun Bible lessons for kids with these butterfly graham crackers as a Bible story snack

Butterflies for New Creation in Christ

Jesus changes us to a new creation, like a caterpillar to a butterfly, so let’s make these easy graham cracker butterflies.

  • Spread frosting on a square graham cracker
  • Place 2 small twisted pretzels on either side, as the wings
  • Add candies down the middle for the body. You might use Sweeties, like we did, or M&M’s.

Other Homeschool Ideas: Science – Insects, Invertebrates, Metamorphosis

Bible story snacks that make fun Bible lessons for kids. The Israelites had to look to Moses to be saved from all the snakes.

Bible Themed Snack Moses & Snakes

Israelites had to look at Moses to be saved from the snakes. Moses was a foreshadowing of Christ saving all of us.

  • Using crescent rolls from a can, twist each roll into a snake shape.
  • Add 2 raisins for the eyes
  • Bake according to the directions
  • Cut a small triangle from Fruit Roll Ups
  • Place it below the 2 eyes
  • Talk about Moses being the savior for Israel and Christ being the Savior for the whole world.

Other Homeschool Ideas: Science – Snakes, Animals, Reptiles

Bible themed snacks and fun kids activities

Bible Themed Snacks Paul Blinded

Paul was blinded by a light from heaven as he walked along the road to Damascus. Make these easy Oreo eyes and talk about what happened to Paul. How did God use Paul’s blindness to bring him to salvation.

  • Separate a regular sized Oreo. Lay it on your plate
  • Spread white frosting over each half-Oreo
  • Separate one mini-Oreo. Place it on the regular sized one to look like eyes.

Other Homeschool Ideas:

  • Science – Eyes, Human Body
  • Literature/History – Helen Keller
  • Bible – Samson
  • Foreign Language – Braille

What Bible story snacks have your kids enjoyed?


.Question: What other fun Bible lessons for kids have you used? Or what Bible themed snacks have your kids enjoyed?
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