Backyard Birds – Winter Activities for Kids

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My kids loved watching for backyard birds during January. Well, it was really in our front yard.  Outside 2 of our living room windows, we watched a mama bird build a nest, lay eggs and baby birdies grow out of the nest. It was fascinating and wonderful memories.

backyard birds

Some of our favorite winter activities for kids had to do with birding, bird watching & backyard birds.

backyard bird - goldfinch sock ~  fun winter activities for kids from

Another fond memory of birding activities in January was filling a bird feeder and watching for birds. Actually, I had to call my mom, “the birding expert”, to see what type of bird we watched in January.

When we hung that bird feeder in our front yard and watched from our living room windows, it was fascinating. I couldn’t believe how many birds we saw.

We used a Goldfinch Sock and filled it with thistle (nyjer seed).  I just ordered mine for this year.  Here’s a link to order online:

Annual Backyard Bird Count

Having shared our stories, I’d like to encourage you to participate in the Annual Backyard Bird Count. We did this a few years, and even kept track of birds we saw in Steve’s old Boy Scout book.  In 2013, they set a record of 100,000 common-bird checklists. WOW!

You can join the Annual Backyard Bird Count.  It’s Feb 17-20, 2023.

Watch a video. Get a poster. Count your birds.

Other Winter Activities for Kids – Backyard Birds

All About Birds

Fun cams to watch birds in certain areas of the country. If you don’t feel like you’ll see birds in your own backyard, this is a great substitute.


Embrace the winter. Count feeder birds for science.

Put up a feeder. Count the birds. Enter your data. It’s that easy!

You’ll find lots of great info about backyard birding this winter, especially if you feel like you won’t see birds in your own backyard.

Bird Songs Apps

If you have an android, check into the Bird Songs app.

If you have an iphone, you have 2 choices:  Chirp Bird Song USA or Chirp Bird Song USA +

Each of these apps, allows you to listen to bird songs to match the bird you hear in your own backyard.

Backyard Birds Books

If you want more information on backyard books or bird watching, here are two I recommend.

backyard birds

The Audubon Backyard Birdwatcher: Birdfeeders and Bird Gardens

Birds are a very visible and entertaining form of wildlife. These colorful visitors provide hours of entertainment as they bathe, feed, court, and nest.

With expert guidance from the National Audubon Society, you can learn how to create a bird-friendly environment in your own backyard. Whether situated in a city or in the countryside, you’ll get the practical information you need on using gardens, food, water, and nesting sites to entice birds to visit.

With more than 1,000 spectacular full-color photographs, The Audubon Backyard Birdwatcher profiles the 100 most familiar garden birds and the reasons behind their intriguing antics.

The Backyard Bird Feeder’s Bible: The A-to-Z Guide To Feeders, Seed Mixes, Projects, And Treats

Become the best bird host in your neighborhood. Let The Backyard Bird Feeder’s Bible be your guide to the foods and feeders, plants and projects that will guarantee you a yard that’s absolutely brimming with birds!

If you want to narrow down to one bird, you can look at owls through our Owl Moon Activities for Kids. It’s perfect to read in the winter, for family winter activities.

Question: What winter activities for kids or backyard birds activities will your family do this year? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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