Adopt a Soldier today … it’s so rewarding!
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Last week I was having coffee with my good friend, Susan. She told me the story of Uncle Jim. Next Wednesday is Veterans Day’s, so I thought the Adopt a Soldier activity was the perfect time to share Uncle Jim’s story.
Uncle Jim started sending care packages to soldiers in Afghanistan a few years ago. Others saw what he was doing and started chipping in for the care packages. Uncle Jim and his friends were sending “unexpected” packages of thanks to our soldiers.
Can you believe it?
A colonel in the military took the time to send a civilian a thank you card. If a colonel in Afghanistan can send a thank you card to a civilian and Uncle Jim can send thank you packages to soldiers he doesn’t even know, why can’t you & I send thank you letters to soldiers TODAY.
1. AnySoldier.com
Here’s what I found on the Any Soldier website. Please send a thank you card to a soldier today. That’s what I’ve done in the past. I found out from my friend, Susan, that I was the only one who sent letters to her son while he was in Afghanistan.
There is not one thing on this site, or anywhere, that requires you to send stuff. Letters are THE MOST requested thing by these Soldiers. So, all you need do is send a normal letter in a normal envelope with a normal stamp.
Good ideas: If you want, put your email address in your letter, many Soldiers can and prefer to reply that way.
What to write? That’s too easy: like you are talking to a friend, because that is what your Soldier is going to be . . . real quick. It is also VERY helpful if you leave your full return address as part of your letter, envelopes tend to get trashed quickly.
If your letter is for a Soldier other then the contact you address it to, PLEASE start your letter “Dear Soldier” not “Dear SGT Smith” as on the address. The contact passes the mail out to folks around him or her and when that service member opens the letter it will feel better without the contact’s name on it.
taken from: http://anysoldier.com/howtosend.cfm
2. Adopt A Soldier Website
Why adopt? Read this…
I want to start out by telling you what a great feeling it is to open a letter from someone you have never met before and feel so loved by a complete stranger…Thank you for all that you do. Alpha troop 6/17 CAV sends their most heartfelt appreciation to all. – Tracy
You can read the guidelines for adopting a soldier here:
Basically, you agree to sending a card/letter each week and a package each month.
So, if you want an easy way to send letters to soldier … use this resource: Send Out Cards. You can even upload an image of your family to the card . . . if you feel comfortable.
Veteran’s Day Notebooking Pages
Previous 30 Days of Thanksgiving Activities for Kids:
- Make a Thankful List
- Write a Thank You Note
- Start a Family Bible Study
- Read Together
- Chalkboard Thanks
- Gratitude Journal

One Comment
Thank you or this information. We were looking for something we could do for veterans and the no-sew blankets are right up our alley. We are going to get right on that this week. We are praying about the commitment to adopt a soldier.