5 Fun Things To Try This Summer

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I’m excited about today’s guest post.  I met Lisa Marie on twitter and can’t wait for you to read her 5 summer fun ideas.

Can you believe that summer is almost here?

Everyone is talking about what camps and activities they are going to do, the upcoming heat, and the chance to spend more time outside. But, the days can get a little monotonous after a while – and it’s fun to get creative with how to use your summer days. Here’s five fun things to try this summer.

1. Geocaching. If you’ve never heard of this activity before, you are missing out on both a fun family friendly adventure and a worldwide phenomenon. Geocaching is essentially a giant treasure hunt. You create an account at www.geocaching.com – look for some hidden boxes near wherever you are, punch the co-ordinates into you GPS and away you go!

Caches typically range in size from a peanut butter jar or medium plasticware container down to tiny little film canisters (or smaller!) and are hidden in secluded or secretive locations – camouflaged to be invisible to an unsuspecting eye.

\When you find a cache, you sign your name to the log inside, take and leave an item (if there are any), and hide it back in its secret spot. After your find, report it on the website and head out for the next one! It’s a lot of fun, very kid friendly, and extremely addictive!

Summer Fun Geocaching with Lisa Marie

2. Weekly New Park Hunt. Most cities have several playgrounds and parks set aside for families and kids – so get out find some new ones. In our community, for example, we have a wide collection of varied play areas – splash pads and water parks, playgrounds, big open fields. Try out a new play area every week. See what kind of fun you can find!

3. Summer Bucket List. Grab a big piece of paper, a marker, and start listing off everything you would like to do this summer. The sky is the limit. Write everything down, even if they seem impossible, and see how many you can cross off the list before summer is over. Pinterest has numerous great resources for this idea!

Here’s a few ideas from our list to get you started:

  • go strawberry picking
  • make our own popsicles
  • watch fireworks
  • go swimming
  • have a water balloon fight
  • go mini-golfing
  • pet a goat
  • visit a fire station

4. Go on an Adventure.  Last summer, our theme was a trip around the world. We made our own passports, and every week , we “travelled” to different countries – all from the comfort of home. Each week, we tried new foods, listened to new music, read books, watched videos, and looked at pictures of different cultures. We did crafts based around ideas from that country during the week. We had a GREAT adventure and learned SO much about countries other than our own.

Summer Fun Adventure with Lisa Marie

5. Pick a Theme. This summer, our plan is theme boxes. Each kid has picked a topic (Medieval History, Dinosaurs, and Cookies) and I’m going to put together bins full of things related to their chosen topic. Crafts, books, movies, activities – whatever will help us learn in a fun, hands-on, creative kind of way.

It makes school a whole less “school-like” during the summer and they are looking forward to it.

Whatever you choose to do this summer, I hope that you have a great time and enjoy each other’s company!

Summer Fun with Lisa MarieLisa Marie Fletcher is a Canadian mother of 3 young boys and wife of a hardworking golf-industry man. She blogs about faith, homeschooling, reviews, and other important things of life at Learning Titus 2. Her other site, The Canadian Homeschooler, connects Canadians with resources for their homeschooling journey.

Route66 Summer Fun Trip Ideas from How to Homeschool My Child.comLast year I wrote a guide to 66 Summer Fun Trips.
If you’d like a copy of it, just enter your email below & we’ll email it to you.

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  1. Loved reading this today… but also wanted to share how much we love geocaching. With us moving this summer we plan on visiting and exploring our surroundings a lot. Great list of ideas but to go with the bucket list a chore list would be good too so they have to complete the chore before you do a bucket list item. 🙂

  2. Some wonderful and fun ideas here!
    I can’t wait to post my Summer Sanity event this summer on my blog sharing activities to help keep kids busy….you’ve given me some inspiration!

  3. What fantastic ideas Lisa! My dad and step-mom love geocaching. They even did it while they were over in Holland years ago. It’s something I need to get my boys into. Definitely going to try some of these!

    1. My boys LOVE it – even when we haven’t been successful. We introduced our friends to it when we first learned about it two years ago, and they now have over 240 finds!!

  4. While on vacation last week with my kids near Denver, CO, we collected postcards from the places we visited. Each child bought a postcard from each location. They had to write a note on each postcard and mail it to a friend or family member. It was a fun writing lesson and they didn’t even know it! It was inexpensive (which I liked). My kids like to shop and buy things at the places we went so I enjoyed saying Yes to postcards, instead of Yes to trinkets and junk. Next time we are at a tourist destination in our area, I will help my kids pick out postcards from their favorite places and mail them to far away family and friends.

    1. Kelly,
      What a fun idea for vacations. I love it when our kids are learning…without realizing it. Have fun in Colorado. Wish I was there.

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