4th of July Snacks – Firecracker Favors {Monday Meals}

Free Life Skills Leadership Summit

So, this isn’t exactly a meal, but it sure is a cute snack to have this July 4th.  Your family & friends will love these 4th of July snacks. Your kids will love making these snack-crafts

I’ll let the pictures tell the story.
4th of July Recipes - Snack platter

4th of July firecrackers| HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com - supplies

4th of July Crafts | HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

I started with 1 1/2″ strip but changed to 2″. It looks better.

4th of July Crafts | HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

4th of July Crafts - wrapxx4th of July Crafts | HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

4th of July Crafts | HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

I thought my firecrackers needed a little more depth or pizazz so I tied red curling ribbon around the top ones.

Last year, these were a huge hit with my 8 year old niece. We finally had to tell her she had to wait to eat any more.

Independence Day (USA) Notebooking Pages from NotebookingPages.com

Our Patriotic Holidays Unit Study is a fun way to encourage learning more about the 4th of July. You’ll receive books to read, videos to watch, activities to enjoy and snacks to eat. All based on Independence Day.

In addition to 4th of July, there are units for Flag Day and Election Day. Click here to read more about Patriotic Holidays Unit Study.

Question: What 4th of July snacks will you serve on Thursday? Any good craft ideas to share? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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