Elections are right around the corner, so this is the perfect time to teach the 3 branches of government for kids. For each of our three branches of government, I’ve included books & activities you can do with your kids. Head over to your library’s website or amazon to find each of these books.
Be sure you grab my Government & Elections Literature Unit Study below. It’s free for a limited time.
But first, watch this fun video that teaches the 3 branches of government.
My favorite way to teach my kids is with “real” books (not textbooks). Real books bring a subject to life, so here are real books you can use with your kids as you teach them about the three branches of government. Click on any book image to read more about that resource.
The Executive Branch of Government is the one who “executes” the laws. In the national government, this begins with our President. At the state level, this is usually the Governor; while the Mayor is generally the Executive member of a city.
You might also like our Presidents Activities for Kids
The Legislative branch of government writes the laws for us to follow. You’ll also discover how a bill becomes a law.
The Judicial branch of government encompasses all the courts in our court system. At the national level this begins with the Supreme Court. From there, you’ll discover many regional, state & local courts.
For a limited time, you can get this unit study, normally $10, for free. What’s included? Glad you asked!
Make learning FUN with our literature unit study.
Government & Elections Literature Unit Study includes the title of four books (Executive, Legislative, Judicial, Elections) and activities you can do with each one. You’ll also receive a book list for further reading and a video list for elementary kids learning about government.
Just enter your name & email below and we’ll zip it on over to you.
Once you finish your study of the 3 branches of government, let your student create a project to show what they learned. Below is one you might consider. It’s simply a paper sack for the tree. For each branch of government, they cut out a green leaf. On each of the 3 leaves, they wrote the name of the branch and its duties.
Or sing this song to review what each branch of the government does. This song is great for Kindergarten through Primary.
SaveBefore you leave, be sure to grab your Government & Elections Literature Unit Study. Perfect for your government study or Presidents Day. Leave your name & email below and we’ll send it to you.
Question: What ideas do you have for teaching the 3 branches of government to kids? You can leave a comment by clicking here.