I’m so excited about the upcoming 2 to 1 Conference, a conference for homeschoolers & bloggers in our nation’s capital.
If you have a button on your blog like the one below…listen up!
Or, if you’ve never heard of 2 to 1 Conference, click here to read about it.
Our company will be sponsoring 1 blogger to attend the 2 to 1 Conference. Details are on the application. If you are interested in going, fill out an application and return it to me by February 28.
To get your Blog Sponsorship application, email Heidi at {stephenbecklive – at – gmail.com}. Just let her know you are requesting the Titus 2 to 1 Application. She works part-time, so give her time to respond to your request. 🙂
For some reason, I’m having problems uploading the application, so email is the best way for you to get it right now..
If you have any questions before returning your application, feel free to email or leave a message below.
ps. Remember that applications are due Thursday, Feb 28, 2013.

I do have that button on my blog! I’ll be back tomorrow. Thank you for offering this!
This is awesome! I’ll be back tomorrow! 😀
Thank you so much for offering this. I just sent an email. 🙂
Thanks for offering this. I can’t wait for the 2to1 Conference!
I would love to be sponsored for this conference!
I’ll send you an application. They are due tomorrow. Thanks for your interest.