10 Little Things That Make My Day

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what makes my day - 10 in 10 from How to Homeschool My Child.com

  1. Smell of fresh coffee (reminds me of my grandmother’s apartment)
  2. When the light bulb goes on while reading my Bible (I finally get something God is telling me)
  3. Smiles
  4. Kisses & hugs from my family (yep, even my 20ish kids)
  5. Knowing my kids are walking with God
  6. Sunshine (but not too hot outside)
  7. Hearing Steve sing & play his guitar on our deck
  8. Taste of good wine
  9. Hot bubble bath
  10. Helping others, in so many ways

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What makes your day?  What made your day today? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

Even if this post is a day late, it’s part of 10 in 10 Tuesdays (yes, I know it’s Wednesday)


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