10 Home Organization Tips for Homeschoolers {Part 3}

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I hope you’re getting home organization tips that really help YOU organize your home.

Get 10 home organization tips from HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

8. Meal Planning & Cooking

Meal planning & cooking seemed to be a hot topic on our Biblical Homemaking Facebook Party. I bet your family is like mine. For some reason, they want 3 meals every day. Here are a few things I do each week to simplify meal planning & cooking.

  • On Sunday night or Monday mornings, I write a menu of dinners & breakfasts. When I know what we’re having for dinner, I am much more relaxed and don’t waste time looking for recipes.
  • Lunches are Leftovers or make-it-yourself
  • We have a freezer in the garage where I store meat I bought on sale. In the morning, I pull out what I need for dinner, so it thaws in time to cook.
  • During the summers, I had my kids cook one meal a week (once they were old enough to cook). They usually chose their menu from what we had on hand.
  • For busy days, I use the crock pot. When we get home, I add a salad and dinner is ready! (That’s why I’m giving 470 Crock Pot Recipes to anyone who uses this link to get The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle-Just email us your receipt to get your recipes)

There are so many helpful resources to help with meal planning. Again, I like Sweet Life Planner for their MANY meal planning printables.

9. Grocery Shopping

I plan to shop on the same day each week. It’s part of my schedule. When do you shop for groceries?

On my weekly menu, I make notes of what items I need to buy. When it’s time to shop, I can easily add those items to my list. When I run out of an item that I use regularly, such as olive oil, I immediately add it to my list. Before cell phones, I kept a list on my refrigerator so I could easily add items we need.

Now, that I can keep a list on my cell phone, I use a phone list for my shopping list. Then, I always have my grocery shopping list.When the grocery sales ad comes in the paper, I immediately go through it & put any items we need on my phone shopping list, as well.

46 printables to help with meal planning, menus, favorite meals, grocery shopping and moreAs my kids got older, we made a game of grocery shopping. Once we got to the store, I gave each of them an item or two that I needed. They went & found it for me. When they returned, I gave them something else on my list. Not only did this help me, it helped them learn how to shop the best deal.

ListPlanIt: Meals ePlanner has 46 printables to help you with menus, favorite meals, shopping and much more. You can even use the Meals ePlanner on your mobile device. That means, you can have it at the grocery store.

10. Go Paperless

I’m really working on this one, especially for our business. I used to print every receipt we received, but now I file all receipts in a folder in gmail. If it’s something important, I can save it in a folder on my computer.

Go Paperless - I'm learning how from this great bookSince I’m still learning how to do this, I’m reading Paperless Home Organization. Generally speaking I’m organized, but why re-invent the wheel when I’m working on a paperless system? I’m following Mystie’s suggestion or paperless home organization, especially on using gmail & Evernote.

I’ve heard awesome comments about Evernote & am excited to start using it. Writing this post is the motivation I need to use Evernote. Have you ever used Evernote?


This tip is two-sided. First of all, find a mentor that can help you with organizing your home. For some of us, we many not know anyone in our area to mentor us. That’s what is so great about online mentors. I’ve been using the homemaking mentors (like Mystie Winckler – tip #10) I found in The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle. That might be a good fit for your first mentor.

The second side of mentoring is YOU mentoring your children.  As you learn how to organize your home, you should be mentoring your children to so.  That’s why so many of these home organization tips include your children. Don’t wait until they are leaving your home to teach them how to get organized.

And this goes for BOTH boys & girls. Your sons need to learn how to keep their room clean, how to do laundry and even some simple meals.  My son has been living on his own the past four years and he’s used many of the homemaking skills I taught him.

That’s it – all 10 Home Organization Tips, plus a bonus one!  Please let me know how it’s going with organizing your home. Or, let me know where yo are still struggling.

If you want to read the other 10 Home Organization Tips, here they are:

10 Home Organization Tips for Homeschoolers {Part 1}

10 Home Organization Tips for Homeschoolers {Part 2}

10 Home Organization Tips for Homeschoolers {Part 3}


.Question: How do you take care of meal planning & cooking? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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