10 Favorite Family Foods

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It’s time for another Top  10 list – our family favorite foods. I asked my kids to send me their top 10 favorite foods. So here goes!

I’ve also linked to recipes if I’ve posted them.  Remember these are kid friendly – My kids loved them growing up.

As a side note: 2 foods made all the lists – in italics on each list

Chicken Enchilada Casserole Recipe - individualHunter’s 10 Favorite Foods

1. Chicken Enchilada Casserole– I knew this would be at the top of his list since he requested this on his birthday almost every year (along with jello)
2. Potatoes of any kind
3. Ruby’s Rub Chicken with mashed potatoes – Sprinkle Ruby’s Rub on chicken. Grill. You’re done!
4. Pull Apart Bread – Our Christmas morning breakfast
5. Wild Rice with grapes, toasted nuts & green onions – Serve with deer sausage
6. Parmesan Chicken
7. Cream Cheese Brownies with Pretzel Crust
8. Chocolate Muffins
9. Chicken Pot Pie
10. Twice baked Potatoes

The one food I think he missed is Cheese Chicken. Hunter alternated his birthday meals with Chicken Enchilada Casserole & Cheese Chicken.

cream cheese brownies | HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

Gentry’s 10 Favorite Foods

1. Bohemian Spice Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting – Just had this for my parent’s birthday last Saturday
2. Chicken Parmesan with Fettucini Alredo
3. Pull-Apart Bread – Our Christmas morning breakfast
4. Chicken Enchilada Casserole
5. Guacamole
6. Chicken Fajitas
7. Duck/Dove wrapped in Bacon, Jalapenos, & Cream Cheese
8. Cream Cheese Brownies
9. Chicken Cordon Bleu
10. Triple Chocolate Cake with Fudge Frosting

Ashley’s 10 Favorite Foods

1. Chicken Enchilada Casserole
2. Pull-Apart Bread – Our Christmas morning breakfast
3. Beautiful Bread – Our Christmas gift to local friends
4. Cream Cheese Pound Cake
5. Mint-Brownie Ice Cream
6. Banana Muffins
7. Poppyseed Chicken
8. Pumpkin Bread
9. Molly’s Volcano Potatoes – Mashed potatoes in the shape of a volcano
10. “Special” Salad – Apples/cranberries/gorgonzala cheese/greens with balsamic vinagrette

Easter Treats - Easter Birds Nests Recipe - HowToHomeschoolMyChild.com

Family Favorites:
xxx What Kerry thinks our family likes overall!

1. Chicken Enchilada Casserole
2. Parmesan Chicken
3. Pull Apart Bread – Our Christmas morning breakfast
4. Cream Cheese Brownies
5. Steak with Baked Potatoes
6. Cheese Chicken
7. Angel Biscuits
8. Chocolate Chip Cookies
9. Bird Nests
10. Mashed Potatoes – Really, any kind of potato!

Although I’ve shared many recipes on this blog, I realized I haven’t shared many of our family favorites. I’ll be sharing those favorites over the next several weeks. Watch our blog posts on Mondays – {Monday Meals}

What is your family’s favorite food? You can leave a comment by clicking here. Or, link to a recipe on your blog.

This post is featured on Top 10 Tuesdays.

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One Comment

  1. Yu-um! I’m getting hungry, it must be close to supper time!
    I may have to poll my crew and get their 10 lists. That would be a great way to build a master meal list.
    Thanks for sharing with us!

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